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When you buy direct from *NerdRageGaming.com, we will keep track of your total purchases. The more money you spend, the higher percentage of store credit you will receive. This store credit will be added to your account when your order is shipped.  Here are the total purchase break points:

* Total Amount Purchaed
 1  $1  1%
 2 $100
 3  $250  3%
 4  $500  4%
 5  $1,000  5%
 6  $2,000  6%
 7  $4,000  7%
 8  $6,000  8%
 9  $8,000  9%
 10  $10,000



*Your FIRST PURCHASE is automatically at 1% Customer Rewards level (Regardless of size).

Most coupons offered by Nerd Rage Gaming Inc DO NOT also give you Customer Rewards store credit.

Booster Boxes, Booster Packs, Sealed Product and Gaming Supplies are not eligible for Customer Rewards.